Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The highest tide in years was seen here yesterday. The water was over the crossbridge, the sidewalks, and way over the road. High water debris was everywhere.
Today Jerry, Marv, and I went to Spaulding reef. The wind and rain gave us a break and the fishing was fair. We came back with a 25 inch red, an 18 inch trout, a 19 inch trout, and 4 big gafftops.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

This has been a windy week of rain. I did see a 43 inch Black Drum caught on the pier last evening. Today Barry caught a keeper Red off the cross bridge on a mud minnow.
Rita and Marv arrived today for their monthly fall stay.
Another new house was started on Sea Shell Shores this week. The other house under construction is almost fully framed in.
Welcome to out newest owner Mr. and Mrs. Pat Noack of Austin. They purchased 602 back in July. Chris and Karra are purchasing 708. The remodel of 202 continues.