Saturday, September 09, 2017

The Aransas County Airport is the staging area or the AEP repair trucks in Rockport. There seem to be hundreds. Power was restored today up to Sea Shell Shores. Hopefully, tomorrow is our day.
It is interesting to note that in pictures every tree, except palm trees, have been defoliated by the high winds. I guess the palm trees have evolved to handle high winds better.
I was sorry to hear of the passing of our long time pool man, Al. He passed away from a heart attack last week. He had serviced our pool for many years.
The TWIA adjuster has been on campus with an engineer and contractor this week to assess our storm damage. There is some talk of having to tear down and rebuild two buildings, but time will tell when the adjuster finishes his work.
This link seems to show the aerial before and after of any address in Rockport. I am trying to learn to use it better, but I can see for the first time the damage of the roof of 101 and 102.


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