Friday, August 01, 2008

It looks like the storm has slowed the fishing. Randy(308) went out to Estes yesterday and came back with one trout. It appeared to be about 17 inches. Merlin(506) went south too and came back with one 26 inch red.
I thought John was using Robbie's pontoon boat on Tuesday, but I learned that Robbie sold his boat to John when he went back to California. Robbie never really liked it in Texas.
Justin and Richy probed the depth of the channel last week. I think they were surprised that it was very shallow, just over two feet in many places. Justin has a dredge company lined up to look at our situation. They are working at Goose Island right now. I don't see that dredging will do any good at all until we do something about the breakwater.
Crowley Properties is having a big garage sale this weekend for a lot of their furniture and furnishing from their properties. From what I've seen discarded, this must be some really good stuff that is being sold.
The Kontiki Beach website is still down. It's been under reconstruction for at least two weeks that I have noticed. I'm sure the new site will look great.
The June financial statement shows that we are $98,133.96 over budget for the first six months of the year. Our association equity was a negative $4,598.57 at the start of the year. Now it stands at a negative $185,366.71. I hope it will all come out in the wash at the end of the year. It is a concern that we collected $135.24 in late charges from owners last month. At the declaration established 10% per annum rate this amounts to $16,228.80 that owners are collectively in arrears. I have no idea how many owners this covers. In Texas it is very easy for an HOA to foreclose on owners who are behind on dues and assessments. They don't even have to go to a court of law to complete the process.
There was an HOA board meeting held on Wednesday. Had I known about it, I would have attended. I understand the meeting lasted for three hours. Discussion centered on what to do about the recent storm damage to the pier. What ever happens, it means a lot of money. Kinsel gave a rebuild estimate of $90 per linear foot. I saw a truck from S&S construction on site yesterday. The owner, Steve, built a lot of our breakwater. I guess he was giving an estimate for the pier too. I think we are looking at upwards of $100,000. The options would be to simply repair what's left of our pier, build a completely new pier, or build a super pier in conjunction with Phase II. Any option other than a repair will require a special owners' meeting. That would probably be held before the annual meeting in November although they could be combined by moving up the annual meeting date. I'm not sure, but I think the original paperwork called for the annual meeting to be in June and it has slowly migrated over the years to be held late in the year for whatever reasons. Maybe we don't have as many deer hunter owners as we used to.


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