Rau and Robin Stech have been living in 604, but today they closed on a house in Peninsula Oaks. They seem pretty happy. They have a hummingbird feeder on their deck and this time of year the little fellows are all over it. Today it was out of food and the birds hovered even on the deck of 603 looking for a handout.
There was a meeting about Cedar Bayou ten days ago. There was standing room only. Guide, Marvin Landers, reported on the meeting in the Herald. There is just no good news. The agencies who should want it open the most continue to object, even Texas Parks and Wildlife will not support opening the channel. Republican Governor Clemens ordered it closed and it has never been the same since.
The lights on the pier continue to seem to be attracting more and more small fish every evening. I can catch small trout two at a time, but not keepers yet. If the larger trout ever come back to Aransas Bay, there will be great fishing on that pier. We still have locals coming out to fish and trespass. One group told Pop that they were told it was a public pier.
My google stats came back today. Normally, about 70 to 80 people log on to the blog in a week's time. Last week exactly 100 different users logged on. It appears since many are referred by search engines, that the real estate interest has prompted many to search for Kontiki and they end up reading this blog. There were visits from 21 different states.
We have been having bad sewer backup problems. John and Scott have been dealing with it the last three days. The problems are all on the bayside. It is really stinking up the place.
There seems to be a lot more people bringing boats to Rockport. I noticed that the Racquet Club has converted one of their tennis courts to boat parking.
Chris and Karra took the weekend off to visit South Padre Island. I saw them back today. I hear they are streamlining some of the operations. The rental office will be closing at 6 pm after Labor Day. Colette will clean the Phase I condos and Gracie will be working on Phase II units. There seem to be other changes in the works. I understand that Chris and Karra may stay for another couple of months.
Last week the contactor failed on my AC unit. That's no big thing. Air Mart wanted over $100 to come out to repair it. Rob and I put our heads together and took the old one out. I went to Freeman's in Aransas Pass and paid $23 for a new part. I came back and we wired it in. I turned on the power and whoops, one wire was wrong. We had 110 volts on the 24 volt components. Air Mart came and it was only $275 to get me up and running again. There is an upside to this. I discovered that the coils to the condensing unit are totally oxidized to dust and crumbles. That is why the upstairs was so warm. The unit is only 7 years old. This happened to Jim(210) when his unit was only about 3 years old. I looked around at other units and many are also operating at less than optimal efficiency. Unit 501 has the last of the original units and it seems to be working well. They just don't make them like that anymore. I'll not have another Rudd air conditioner.