Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The weather here has been as poor as I can remember for December. It has been raining for the last twenty four hours and the temperature has been in the low 40's. The local weather station just said this is the most rain for this date ever. What about the boat in the picture?
Folks arrived here in a large RV with Colorado plates earlier this week. At that time the bay was like a big pond. They put this canoe in the water and tied it behind their condo 202. I think they had plans for giving it a lot of use. Later that night a norther blew through and they had to pull the canoe out and it has been sitting there ever since. I checked the blog posts for the last three years for weather in December. Even the water temperature was much higher than it is this December.

Even Garfield is feeling the weather blues. He stays at my back door and trys to stay dry and warm. Sometimes I let him in to warm up. I'll be glad when more winter Texans arrive and take care of him. Barbara Jesse left me a full bag of cat food last year to take care of him through the summer and fall. It is just about all gone and I don't like to buy cat food for stray cats.
The weather warmed into the 50's on Monday and I did some fishing. I caught six trout at the first light on the pier. Unfortunately, they were all over 14 inches, but none were over 15. I did hear about some good trout coming out of Turtle Pen in Copano Bay.
Sandy(107) did her annual Christmas baking this weekend. They left for North Carolina Tuesday morning. She brought me the plates of cookies to give out. So far I have given Pop his and our mail carries hers. Of course, I have already started on my plate. Great cookies!
Pop has been complaining about the cold weather too. The security room with cameras has an air conditioner, but no heater. It gets really cold in there so he has been staying in his truck and running the truck heater. I think he does a lot more good in the truck than in that room anyway. The cameras have been a huge expense and were way over budget. I just don't see how we can justify the expense of keeping them working.
I talked to J.R. Monday morning. He said we will probably go back to a full time employee in February. He said he is staying in touch with Chris to get directions.
Our bookkeeper contacted me on Monday to ask what the owners were expecting to pay in the January assessment since he had not heard what was decided at the owners' meeting. I told him I understand it will be for $430. That would be $270 for the monthly dues and $160 for the off budget things approved at the meeting. The board might want to postpone the $160 until February because the financial review that is being done may identify enough money owed to the HOA to cover that and more.
Also at the annual meeting it was decided that the breakwater would be rebuilt. A committee of Rob(303) and Scott(504) was appointed to check into the ongoing problems with the channel and breakwater. I posted last January about conversations that I had with local officials about our problems with breakwater and channel. I noted there that they felt the deep water shoreguard would never work. I suggested to Justin that before we spent more money that we should maybe consult with engineers who are familiar with this type of work. The most likely group is out of Austin, Texas and their website is I sent this to contact to Scott to see if it would help the committee.


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