Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rob, Tony, and John repaired the new pier today. It looked as if the post had moved up, but it was only the handrail warping into a twist that made it appear that way. I posted a picture of this a few days ago. A few well placed long screws and the pier was fine.
There have been a few more trout around the pier the last few evenings. A winter Texan just brought by two keepers to show me. Last evening I caught several small trout and then one took my lure and made the drag sing a tune I had not heard in a long while. Unfortunately, I didn't get him in. I saw on the national news that the Gulf is 5 degrees cooler now than it should be at this time of year. That may delay the trout bite in the bays.
The buzz among the winter Texans this week has been about Jayme leaving. They all liked her and had good things to say about her.
Rob and his crew have worked at a hectic pace to complete the remodeled of 202 this week. The word was that there were guests coming in today. As of right now, no one is there. I don't know if they didn't finish or the guests didn't come in. Last weekend guests arrived late in the evening for condo 601. No one had made out a cleaning sheet and the the condo was not clean. Lisa had to come out after midnight and put them into another unit.
Don Gormley and some friends went into Copano on Tuesday. The weather was great, but they came back with no fish. They went out today, but I have not heard the report. In January some guests went into the Gulf and came back with some kingfish they didn't want. They left it with me. Don has a really nice electric smoker and he and Dick smoked that fish this week and it turned out quite well. I don't know that I have tasted kingfish that was that good.
Work started yesterday to replace the outside GFI outlets on the decks that was approved at the owners meeting.
Cheryl and Steve(202) are in the process of buying Frances and Maxie Mayo's house in Key Allegro. Frances and Maxie were original owners of condo 102 here. Steve and Cheryl want Rob to do some remodeling there, but he plans to leave for California very soon. I believe the plan is to leave his tools here and let Tony finish the ongoing work as well as the work on the Mayo house.


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