Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The newly trimmed palm trees look much taller.  This is one of the original trees left on the property.
Fishing has tailed off lately. I counted 28 people on the pier on Saturday night and I didn't see anyone catch anything. On Sunday night I had it all to myself and I had no luck either.
Fishing in the bay had been so good. Instead of catching the 13 and 14 inch trout, I had been bringing in 17 and 18 inch trout. Thursday was good, Friday not so much with one keeper, but then on Saturday I got shutout for the first time this summer.  There were a lot of boats out and only one person I talked to said he had a keeper. Even Scott came back with nothing. Back on July 5th Scott had gone out to Jaybird Point and got his limit of ten trout on his DOA.  He came back in and took Amy out in the afternoon and they caught only two more in the same place. Tides and temperatures have so much to do with the fishing success. The water temperature is 87 degrees right now and I think the fish are just becoming inactive.


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