Friday, February 07, 2014

Work has begun on the improvements to the land around the pier. It was scheduled for completion in 15 work days. So far I've seen about three as the weather here is about as bad as it gets. Yesterday I woke up to 30 degrees on my deck. Right now it's up to 33.
We did received all the required permits from the GLO. They are charging us for last year when we did not have an active permit as well as this year. The total check they requested was for $5928.40. Of that our Phase I portion is $2189. Sea Shell Shores and Phase II was pay the difference. Sea Shell Shores portion is only for the breakwater.
Watching the weather in the rest of the country, I would have to guess that we will have more winter Texans next year. If fact, some may have decided at the late date to come this year. I'm seeing more cars on the complex this month than I saw last month. I checked the link for the Coastal managed condos
and it appears all 12 of their Kontiki condos now have an extended stay guest. This extra capacity be the reason the lift station had its first hiccup today in quite some time. One of the capacitors exploded. Fortunately, Jerry found an extra one in the shop and installed it. That saved a big bill from PEECO. I don't think they have ever come out for a service call that was less than $500.


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