I know we have had some strong north winds lately, but Jerry is trying to convince me that the winds blew this bench into the bay. I say no way. I think it had some help. Either way it will be interesting to see the plan he comes up with to pull it out. It was at least 200 pounds before it got water logged.
I have been watching my electrical usage on Smart Meter Texas during these cold days. Some owners are going to have a surprise when the next bill arrives. I keep my thermostat at 70 during the day and 65 at night. I'm still getting really close to $20 per day usage. On top of that, my contract with Infinite Energy expires on February 4th. We have to stay under contract or the rates are outrageous. I thought with the recent decline in oil prices we would see a drop in energy prices since they are most related to natural gas prices. So far that has not happened. Maybe between now and February 4th the prices will come down. I'm hoping to find a reasonable 36 month plan.
The pest control company we had last year has sold their business. We are expecting a substantial increase in cost this year. We have not budgeted for a really great increase, but today we received a bid from another company who quoted us about $20,000 more than we paid last year. Our board will keep looking, but that may be the market we are looking at right now.