Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Lina designed this poster and had it printed and posted on our crossbridge pier and the big pier gate. She listed only fish indigenous to our waters. It gives me heart burn to see people keeping undersized fish and then claim they did not know. Last Saturday afternoon, I observed a Phase II owner catch and put into her ice chest three under sized reds. After the third one, I just had to say something. I showed her the sign, but she insisted the sign was incorrect. After some time and more discussion, she did take the third red out of the ice chest and released it. I really should have posted her picture.
About a month ago we had a high tide that completely covered the crossbridge. Water got into one of the junction boxes and most of the pier lights did not work. Yesterday evening Lina had an electrician, Gilbert, come out to fix things up He found the problem while taking off only one board. Soon all the lights were working again. As of today, the tide was very high again and was touching the bottom of the crossbridge.
Our recently transplanted bougainvillea was starting to bloom and do very well in it's new location. However, someone parked their big truck with the exhaust blowing directly on the bougainvillea. The next day the leaves were burned as in this picture. This was a month ago. As of today, nothing much has changed. There are some signs of new life, but very few.