Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Long time owner of condo 102 back in the day has passed. Maxie was very involved in Kontiki matters and served on our board of directors.

Maxie's obiturary
I've kinda gotten behind in posting in my blog, but I'll try to do some catching up this week.
We had a board meeting on Saturday and have contracted with a company to begin work on our foundation repairs in three weeks. They should finish just before Christmas. We had bids for over $1,100 per pier down to $400. If all goes well with this company, we may be as much as $20,000 below budget.
We also approved a new insurance contract and if all goes as expected, it could mean that we will have no increase in our monthly requirement for escrow. One of the new underwriters is sending someone out next week to take pictures of what they have agreed to insure.
We are in the process of taking bids to replace some of the stucco that is in bad condition on the end of the 500 and 600 buildings.
The disturbances in the Gulf have produced winds from an unusual direction for us. This afternoon  waves were crashing over the bulkhead and flooding our beach. The wind was not all that strong, but the direction produced a lot of water coming over and onto the beach.
The appraisal district chose not to reveal the 2016 property values until the protest period was over. This prevented owners from knowing how their appraisals compared to other condos. It is now online and many two bedroom condos are appraised at much more than a three bedroom I see no rhyme or reason for some of their values. They can  be viewed by going to www.aransascad.org. Go to property search, click, pull down menu to go to address search and enter for street number 2292, click, go to street name and enter Fulton, click, and there are all the values.

Below is the agenda we used for the meeting last Saturday.

Agenda for Bayfront Board Meeting 27 August 2016

I. Call to Order

II. Establish Quorum

III. Approval of Minutes of Previous meetings

IV. Treasurer’s Report

V. Consideration and possible approval of resolution on bidding process

VI. Set rate for insurance for 2016-2017

VII. Discussion of needed breakwater repairs

VIII. Property Manager’s Report

A. Landscaping

B. To Do List

C. GLO permits for fishing pier –When will School Land Board meet

D. Progress on pier replacement

E. Disposal of old lighting from pier

F. Roof leak and interior unit repairs

G. Stucco repairs

H. Boat parking

I. Pier gate lock

J. Palm tree trimming

K. Progress on our policies and procedures handbook

IX. Other Business

X. Set Date for next Meeting

XI. Adjournment
Dr. Bruno tells me he is selling his condo 302 and wishes to sell his boat too. The boat is two years old, but has been used less than 10 hours. It is a 21 foot Key West. I think you might get a pretty good deal if you contact Dr. Bruno.

Monday, August 08, 2016

 The unrelenting waves continue to erode the HEB shoreline. Notice the undercutting of the grass that is then caving in.
 We planned to have 10 loads of sand brought in last week to renourish our beach. The first load was not sand and they reloaded it and hauled it away.
 We used a bobcat to redistribute the sand we had. A lot of sand could be pulled back from the skirting and toward the bulkhead.
This big truck got stuck and had to have the bobcat to help it to escape. We ended up hauling in only two loads and they were mostly clay.

Friday, August 05, 2016

This flounder met its fate yesterday evening off the crossbridge. No one measured its length, but it sure looks like a keeper to me! Roger had to help hoist it onto the bridge. I went to the same place this evening and threw my gold spoon 113 times without any kind of hit. Roger said he was using  some kind of plastic lure.

Something is going on on the land that Mr. Ethridge owns across the street and at the boat ramp. Heavy equipment has cleared the debris off the surface and I see what appears to be survey markers. Maybe a sale is eminent.