Monday, May 29, 2017

This load of stabilized sand was delivered last week to repair washouts from the last high water. This sand hardens like concrete when it gets wet. With the storm on Tuesday night, we might have a stone mountain.
I drove through Skidmore on Wednesday and the storm damage was everywhere. I talked to a person at DQ there and she said she had been at the high school athletic banquet and they were herded into the gym because of the storm. They had been out of power for 24hours and did not know when it would be restored. Just before Beeville, 181 was closed to work on utilities. I had seen AEP trucks from Sinton through Beeville. They must have called in some repair crew from other cities. There just not that many trucks in Corpus.
All of Rockport was without power from about 8:30 Tuesday night until about 11:30 pm.
The new pier turnouts are completed and working well. Notice the person here has his ice chest and tackle box with him and is not blocking the pier walkway. Some brought lawn chairs.

When Memorial Day boat parking gets tight, just let your boat park itself. The storm last night had winds strong enough to blow the boat across the driveway and right between the cars. Always use chock blocks. Just a few inches to the right and it would have been right down the middle.
Our baby Martins have been found on the ground under the bird houses. I guess this snake was looking for just the right size little one. Lina caught him in the act today . The snake was coiled up in one of the nest boxes deciding when to eat again. Only four martin nests were left when Lina lowered the house. This is likely the same one I pictured a few years ago slithering up the palm tree to chase birds. This time it had climbed the 2 inch steel pipe. I would have liked to see how it climbed down. Is this a chicken snake?

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Hate to say good bye to Robert Strait, but he has sold his condo. Welcome new owners  Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schuetz of Fulton.
Caught by Tom Thun from Waco, Texas off the end of our pier this evening using a Zebco 33.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Work continues on the back wall of our 200 building. There has been a lot of rotten wood found, but every small  piece is being removed and replaced. Below are some pictures of the worst areas found.

The one above shows some former termite domiciles.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

 Work continues on the final phase of our Super Pier as it was called when first proposed. It will indeed be the best pier in the area when completed. Our monthly bill for all the lighting last month was less than $80. The cost to build these final five fishing turnouts will almost exactly be covered by the savings we had on the our pool repairs.