Monday, March 26, 2007

Not much is happening. Winter Texans are beginning to leave. The wind has been relentless for the last two weeks. The water looks like chocolate milk.

Fishing on the pier has been difficult with the wind. The water splashes up on to the pier and even when you agree to get wet, the fish are not there. Some guests fished most of the day on Wednesday with shrimp off the end of the pier and all I saw them catch were small hard heads and one croaker. The guide reports are equally bleak. Pat(602) did catch 7 trout with the largest being 22 inches about two weeks ago. He said they were under birds on the St. Joe shore line.

A new swimming pool filter and pump system has been installed.

A board meeting has been proposed for April 14.

The February financials still used last year's budget. I talked to Barbara Schultz today and she said the reason is that no one has provided her with a 2007 budget.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The old Back 40 restaurant reopened last week as the Cancun Cantina. I haven't tried it yet, but I have seen a good amount of traffic around the place.
Several work crews have been busy around here. One is painting the stucco repairs and deck joists on the bayfront units. Another is measuring for some future repairs. Repairs were done on the lift station.
The big pile of lumber that had been placed next to 108 has been removed.
Fishing remains very slow. The guides seem to think we are about three weeks away from some of the best fishing of the year.
My hot water heater had been somewhat eratic so I replaced it. I found a 40 gallon Whirlpool at Lowe's for $229. Ed Bowers and I had been to the Country Club for some lessons on the driving range. We then went to Lowe's and were able to get the hot water heater into his Pacifica to bring it back to the complex. Gene Perkins of USA plumbing installed it for $80.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Oysterfest ends today. I went yesterday and the crowd was the largest that I have ever seen there. The weather was great, but the parking was difficult.
Fishing is slowly improving. Otis and Bill went out Friday and came back with one Red. I had never seen a red quite like this one. It was nearly albino. Pat Noack(602) went to Shell Point in Copano on Friday and said he picked up four trout. He gave me an idea I'll have to try. He said he used Gulp shrimp. However, instead of a jighead, he put them under a popping cork and hooked them like any other shrimp. That makes sense. Why would you use a jig head under a cork, although that's how I've always done it.
The red warning light has been "on" on the lift station for almost a week. That usually means one of the pumps is not taking its turn. I hope its not a major repair. On Friday, Rick Gonzales Carpentry was here to prepare a bid for work to be done, primarily on the decks. Justin said they are getting several bids.
The January financial statment arrived last week, but If you notice, the January 2006 budget was used to prepare the statement. Barbara Schultz was not in the office on Friday. I'll try to reach her on Monday to see what happened. She may not have the new budget approved in November. I emailed David Schultz, our board treasurer, but he has not responded.
Many boards are completely loose on the crossbridge. When the spring tides arrive later this month, the boards will likely float away. Justin said they are actively trying to hire a maintenance person to take care of the little things around here.