Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Randy(308) sent these notes on his latest trip. When they got back to Cove Harbor, the Texas Parks and Wildlife folks were doing a creel survey and asked a lot of questions. They said Randy's haul was the best they had seen that day. I think that means the fishing is pretty slow right now.

Took my Aggie daughter and her Aggie husband fishing Saturday morning on Estes Flats. We threw piggy perch and ended with 4 nice trout. The bigger two, both females with eggs, were 21.5 and 19.5 inches.
The other two were skinny males, 16 and 15.5. This is not great but better than what I have been doing. Went to fillet them at the cleaning table and thought my knife had burned out. Went back to the house and tried it there and found it working. The electricity was out at the cleaning table and when I checked it
The next day I felt a tingle when I put my finger inside the cap that covers the outlet. Ended up going over to the motel side to clean the fish.
We ate them the same day, they were great along with homemade fries and onion rings. Had to be giant boost for my cholesterol. Will have to work it off this week.
Todd the trailer guy did a nice welding job for me on my trailer. My J B Weld attempt failed. Randy Schulte-Agent

President's Club
Columbus, TX


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