Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jim(210) sent this picture of an 8-point buck that walked up as he was grilling some hamburgers at home in Clifton. I think this buck belongs in the freezer. Deb took the picture in full view of the buck. Jim and Deb had two nephews here this weekend. They caught two keeper reds off the crossbridge last evening.
The mosquitoes were as bad as I have seen here this weekend. I'm told that repellent sprays had all been sold off the shelves at Walmart, HEB, and ACE hardware before Sunday.
The open house went off as usual today. There is not much left to sell. Fifteen of the originally listed condos have been sold or are under contract.
We are still having electrical problems. The Phase I pier lights don't come on and the 200 building lights have not worked in some time.


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