Saturday, January 09, 2010

Posted for Scott Schomburg

January 9, 2010
Subject: Latest at Phase I
Dear Kontiki Owners,
At the owner’s meeting in November there was talk of a new communication program being established but I have not heard anything about it lately so I have asked Larry to post this information on his blog to get it out to the owners. As I had promised from my last communication with you I wanted to give you an update on the latest communications at Kontiki. I had a very good meeting this morning with JR Gimler, our new property manager. JR met me at my unit this morning and we talked about the many “to-do” items at Kontiki. With him being new to the property I also offered some suggestions on things that will need attention as time goes on. See the following list. This is certainly not all but it is a good start. Some items are small, some are large, some have a sizable cost and others are minimal. We went down the list and discussed the more complicated ones. JR is very dedicated to taking good care of the property. Shortly after our visit he was already working on some of the quick and easy items. I applaud his enthusiasm and I think he will be very good for Kontiki. One thing we discussed at length was not creating any liabilities that would require another assessment. JR and I were in full agreement that we do not want to create any new assessments but want to get as much done as we can with the budget we have.
We also reviewed the separation of the HOA and the rental operations. JR has been in the construction and management business for many years and once it was explained the responsibilities of each entity and where they are separated he had a very clear picture. I expect that more scrutiny of billings (accurate billings as well as monthly reviews) will lead to a more cash rich bank account.
Regarding the internal audit performed by Alan Koemel (108) and Larry Biggers (201), there are a significant number of items that Alan and Larry found that need to be further reviewed by the Board. I am mailing copies of these documents to the Board members next week. These will likely be discussed by the Board at the next Board meeting in February, if not sooner.
Regarding the new Owner’s Directory, Angela Koemel (108) is almost finished with it. I got a sneak peek over Christmas break and it looks great. Angela has been working hard to get as many pictures of owners as possible to put in the directory to personalize it a little more. When we last spoke she talked about distributing it via the monthly bills through Johnson & Cates. Not sure when it will come out, but rest assured it is being built.
Please feel free to call me with any questions, 713-725-3860.
Thank you,
Scott Schomburg (504)
Kontiki HOA-Secretary

Kontiki Repairs
Single Items
· Concrete sidewalks on both sides of 400 Bldg and in front of 207
· Security Cameras
· Wireless Internet
· Tennis courts fence – new supports
· Replace rotten window trim
· Warranty repairs on concrete in front of dumpster by 400 bldg?
· Concrete repairs next to 701 and in front of 101
· Replace or repair utility box covers
· Repair and clean lift station and control panel
· Repair area at the start of Phase I pier and breakwater in that area
· Replace cutting area of fish cleaning stand
· Replace light fixtures behind 500 and 600 buildings
· Pick up soaker hoses behind 707 and in front of 106
· Complete shrub planting next to 608
· Fill in trench next to tennis court
· Inventory and clean maintenance shed
· Remove two big posts in the mitigation site
· Move cleats on finger piers
· Check on warranty repair on tennis court surface
· Identify security lights that we pay for
· Clean up commercial account access
· Collect and store written contracts, agreements, warranties

Constant Maintenance
· Swimming pool furniture and area clean up
· Tennis courts lights
· Pier Lights, replace burned out lights and adjust alignment of others
· Clean barbecue pits
· Empty trash cans regularly
· Remove trash from mitigation site

· Keeping grass and bushes trimmed
· Keeping sidewalks, curbs and tennis court properly edged
· Treating grass with pesticides and herbicides
· Treating for fire ants
· Trimming palm trees


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