Thursday, February 18, 2010

Chuck Madsen(107) exercises his dogs every chance he gets. Onyx, Willa, and Cinder all look so much alike I have a hard time telling them apart. They are grandmother, mother and daughter. I can tell the grandmother, Onyx, only because she is starting to gray a bit. Chuck and Sandy's motor home is still in the shop for brake work in Kerrville. My dentist, Bradley Schultz, is also an avid duck hunter albeit not so avid and Chuck. When I was there last week he said he was going to Crab N to have them cook some of his duck from this year's season. I didn't even know Crab N did duck. I've always taken fish to be cooked there.
Yesterday my friend, Gerald Spencer, and I took his 21 foot Carolina Skiff for a day of fishing. There were a lot of boats at Conn Brown Harbor, but I saw no one cleaning any fish. Gerald pulled in two undersized trout and I went all day without a bite. It was a lot fun though.
Rain is in the forecast for tonight again. I saw a stat that said that we have had more rain the last four months than the last two years combined. This should bode well for a huge Texas Bluebonnet crop. They usually start to bloom late in March.
Jim and Barbara, former Kontiki owners, are having their kitchen in Heron's Roost remodeled. J.R. and his crew are doing the work.
Josh Carter, an hydraulic engineer from Coast and Harbor Engineering of Austin, came by yesterday to look over our breakwater and channel problems. He took a lot of notes and pictures. He estimated that for between $7k and $12k a proposal could be drawn up for solving our problems. This is a triparty project among Phase I, Phase II, and Sea Shell Shores. It's difficult for our board to take any action without the cooperation and agreement with the other parties. The channel is silting in rapidly since the dredging of last spring. I do recall the dredge operator telling me, "I'll see you all again next year." Texas Parks and Wildlife operates a boat launch at Bayside that has many of the same silting problems. They have tried a number of remedies and nothing has worked.


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