Friday, July 02, 2010

Another day of wind and rain from the Alex leftovers.` The high winds overnight have about done in the old pier. Boards are scattered all over the complex by the high water and wind. I see some breakwater walers washed up. I guess it has had some damage too.
One of the remodeled condos in the three hundred building had the kitchen cabinets come apart. All the glue joints have separated and only the refrigerator is keeping the cabinets from falling. Home Depot has said they will warranty them, but for now Edward and John are there this morning to try to repair them as well as possible so the condo can be rented. It appears as if all four cabinets came apart at the same time. Maybe the high humidity had something to do with that, but I have seen renters do some strange things too. It looks to me like the same damage could have been done by hanging on the cabinet doors. Who would want to do that you ask, stranger things have happened.
Royce, from Bedingfield Pest Control, came by earlier this week for his quarterly treatment. When he came by the 200 building he skipped my place. I asked Edward, who was escorting him around, and Edward said it was his understanding from a clerk in the onsite rental office that they were to treat only the condos in their rental pool. I called J.R. immediately and he talked to Royce and Edward and they came back and treated my condo.
Sunday evening Pop was busy policing the pier for trespassers. One Chinese worker at China A restaurant said he lived at the Villas, a Crowley property, and he was told they could use our facilities. Another guy told Pop that he owned a barbecue place in town and he was told by Chris Crowley that he could come out anytime. They both left after Pop talked to them and told them this was private property.
One owner in Phase II sent a letter to other owners questioning the leadership of their board of directors. They did receive six months of financial reports with their monthly statement last week. Mostly, Phase II owners complain about receiving very little news about their HOA.
After reading on this blog about Scott's insulation in his attic space, I had several owners interested in doing the same. Scott received a bid of $800 from a company in Corpus to insulate other condo attics. I passed this contact info on to owners and the contractor called J.R. yesterday to say he has been inundated with calls from Kontiki. The upstairs bedrooms have been unbearably hot since the new roof was installed. I had my AC unit checked because I thought it was going out. I believe the additional insulation will do the trick. The old tile roof had provided better insulation than the new composition roof.
I need to check with J.R. about getting the "NO BARBECUES ON DECK" signs put back up. They were removed when the back deck doors were painted. I continue to see people with charcoal grills fired up on the decks. There is no one else to notice and tell them otherwise, so I try to tactfully tell them this is not a good idea. Most understand and say they will not do this again.
Sears seems to be delivering a lot of appliances here lately. I guess the higher summer use puts more stress on the appliances. Yesterday they delivered a new dishwasher to 105.
With all this rain to add to the mess we had a sewer back up yesterday in front of the 100 building. John brought the snake out and opened it in no time.
The last cat here, the yellow one, caused a problem last weekend. Between the guests leaving a 600 building condo on Friday morning and the guests arriving later, the cat must have slipped in the back sliding glass door and did its thing. The smell would make your eyes water. I don't know how the guests managed to make it two days. Top Notch Carpet Cleaning cleaned the carpet on Tuesday and it is much better now.


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