Friday, July 02, 2010

Randy sent this account of his fishing trip last week.

Well, we had the fishing trip from hell Thursday and Friday.
We went to Conn Brown Thursday to launch and try Bunn’s.
Got the boat started fine, probably did not let it idle enough.
Put it in reverse to get off the trailer and the motor died.
Would not start again. After 30 minutes of waiting in case it was flooded, we pulled out.
Put in some fresh gas to top off the tank. Was getting a little late by then so we came back to Kontiki.
Started it with the water hose attached and it ran fine for about 10 minutes.
Pronounced it ready for Friday morning.
We fished the pier and the trout started to show up about 10 or so.
Caught quite a few on sassy shads , only one keeper.
Went back to Bunn’s Friday morning, or what I thought was Bunn’s.
Had never really been there and think I missed it a little.
After two big islands on the right coming north a small island was next and I went in behind it.
After a map review, I think I should have gone to the next larger island around marker 33.
Anyway, we did not catch anything there with mullet and went on to Estes next.
My hot engine warning came on and shut down the motor.
Floating grass I imagined, after a long wait the alarm went off and we went on.
This happened a couple of more times and we finally got in.
Stuck some wire up the tattle tale and got a lot of dirt, mud out which was part of the problem.
We load up and got get lunch at 11.
Then go out front of Kontiki, fishing the wells in the area.
Caught one fish the whole trip, a 15 inch trout, on a gulp under alameda float.
The other guys were throwing the mullet.
They may not want to come back with me, would not blame them.
One reason I do not often feel good about asking guys to come fish, my results are seldom good.


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