Steve(202) and Cheryl came by this morning. They said they caught six keeper trout off their back deck at their house on Bayshore yesterday morning. I guess Ray and I were in the wrong place when we went to Copano yesterday to catch one keeper.
Ironically, the main circuit breaker for the Carter's condo(202) went out this evening. Fortunately, Ray(601) had brought us four from San Antonio in February and we had three left. This type of breaker is not usually available in Rockport. Larry Rabe came out and repalced the breaker. The renters had called the Phase II rental office and they called Larry Rabe. At least he called me before he came out. I need to talk to them about who to call when they have a problem. Larry Rabe does not work for them and they need to call me and I will decide what to do if it is an HOA problem. We have had a problem for years with the Phase II rental office obligating our HOA for expenses. Other rental management companies operating on our property understand the proper process.
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