Tuesday, July 05, 2011

We are trying to wrap up a few projects this week prior to the start of the roof replacement next week. In the photo above we are using some of the posts and shoreguard from our old pier to extend the retaining wall sixteen feet to prevent further erosion of our beach. The owner of the land next to us, where our pier is attached, has allowed erosion to lower the elevation of his property and now water drains off of our beach and toward the HEB beach. This has also caused a washout at the corner of unit 101.

Some of the posts will be used to shore up the bulkhead around the mitigation site. These will be cut off the match existing posts. There is a large washout of the bulkhead near the entrance road. This will be repaired also.
When Larry Rabe arrived this morning there was large geyser of water near the boat washing area. Somehow during the night the pipe had been broken or burst. No one had noticed. We lost a lot of city water, not well water. He had to shut off the whole complex for a while to repair the break.
There will be an engineer here on Thursday to access the ventilation problem in our attics. He will prepare his report on Friday in time for the roofer to put in place the best system to more adequately vent the attic spaces.


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