While it would have been much less disruptive to have put a new roof over the old, our owners voted to go through the process of removing the old roof knowing renters would be inconvenienced. Our board and myself have to see that the needs of our HOA are paramount to rental operations although we will make every effort to work with management companies as best we can.
Phase II has chosen to put up two misleading large signs that say,"Kontiki Beach Resort." There is no such animal, but it leads people to think we are one large resort and they do not understand that we are an independent HOA and some of our our owners have chosen to rent there units with various management companies. Our HOA has no affiliation with any of the companies. The Phase II rental operation has taken liberties in the past that show they are not totally cognizant of our independence. It's a learning process and things will get better. The board could not have chosen a more cooperative company to work with and they have assured me they will make every effort to accommodate renters as best they can. I have told them though that they are not to take any directions from anyone other than an HOA board member or myself. There were 18 workers here today and they may finish in two weeks instead of the six weeks we were talking about just a few days ago. Let's all hope so.
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