Tuesday, October 25, 2011

B&R Electrical has completed their work on the pier lights repair. The new control panel is now located on the outside wall of condo 101. The two smaller boxes house the timer controls. They wanted almost $500 more to use photocells instead of timers. The timers require a lot of maintenance to synchronize them to each other and to the changing times of sunrise and sunset, but I guess they are less expensive.
What I did not know until Friday was that now I have to proceed with getting our power to the control box. I thought this would be a seven business day work period and the lights would be on. The county has to have an inspection and the AEP has to have an inspection. The AEP will then come out later and install a new meter and then we have to contract with an electrical retailer. I set all the wheels in motion on Monday and we may have lights by next weekend.
Robert(guest in 705) is going with guide David Huntress in the morning. David will have a hard time matching Robert's catch this evening. He caught a 27 inch red off the crossbridge using live mullet. I would have taken a picture, but I didn't have my camera with me.


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