Monday, October 03, 2011

Joe and Bev Fischer came in yesterday and found the reds in the mitigation site again. This afternoon Joe went to buy bait and Bev fished with some perch while he was gone. When he got back she had her limit. My granddaughter, Breleigh helped Bev show off her catch here. The small fish is a croaker as they have returned to spawn as they seen to do at this time of year in our mitigation site.
Actually, Joe and Bev had planned to come here in two weeks, but saw my blog post about the pier lights being scheduled for work at that time and decided to come in earlier. Now, with this catch, they plan to stay an extra day.


Anonymous Mike Aldrich said...

Great catch Bev and cute grandaughter Larry.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 7:25:00 PM CDT  

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