Monday, February 25, 2013

The cabana is nearing completion. A windstorm inspection will be done this week and then the roof will be put on.
There was some excitement in town on Friday. A bank was robbed, the one in Walmart. Look for details in the  Pilot.
The post office finally came out and put the large package box locks in place. We had been trying to get this done for years. JR put his secretary, Joanna, on it and she kept after them until the job was finally done. This means when an oversized item is to be delivered it can be placed in the big box and a key to the big box put into the individual's mail box. When the individual uses the key to get their item, the key will lock itself in the lock mechanism. Only a post office person can remove the key from the lock.
The lift station gave us some problems this weekend. JR has been cleaning it every day instead of the previous twice a week. However, this weekend someone flushed four garbage bags. JR worked on it and got them out without serious damage being done. The pumps were reset and so far so good.


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