Monday, April 29, 2013

As I was heading to the boat ramp this morning, this big truck was coming down the road to deliver the materials for the corner bulkhead we will be building soon. It was already a busy morning with the pest control folks working inside, the termite folks working outside, pool service being done, electricians working on the cabana, carpenters working on inside repairs in three condos, and Jerry trying to cleanup after the weekend while keeping all things on track after JR left.
It was a good day for boating too. Ed, Marv, and I went out at eleven and came back at four. Trout were scattered, but steady with small ones. We ended up with a 16, 17, and 18 inch trout from Long Reef. Ed and Marv used live shrimp and accounted for the 17 inch trout. My DOA took care of the 16 and 18. We took the trout to Moon Dog and had some grilled and some fried. Pretty fresh fish and quite good.
I also heard some good news today about Cedar Bayou. The Texas House in bill 1025 has found $7,000,000 to get the work done. Now the Senate needs to approve and the the governor sign.

  RESTORATION. In addition to amounts previously appropriated for
  the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2013, the amount of
  $7,000,000 is appropriated out of general revenue dedicated account
  number 9, Game, Fish, and Water Safety, to the Parks and Wildlife
  Department for Strategy A.2.3, Coastal Fisheries Management, as
  listed in Chapter 1355 (H.B. 1), Acts of the 82nd Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2011 (the General Appropriations Act), for the
  two-year period beginning on the effective date of this Act, for the
  purpose of the Cedar Bayou Restoration Project in Aransas County


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