Saturday, July 27, 2013

These were caught in about one hour around 6:30 pm on Tuesday evening using cut bait (skipjack/ladyfish), wire leaders and 6/0 hooks.  The gafftop catfish and black drum were just over 15”.  The black-tip shark was about 30”.
Norman Frank
Owner 321 and 219
Norman spends a lot of time on the pier and pickin's have been poor, but he usually comes back with something. I just don't even bother to go out their much anymore. Even  the mitigation site is not producing anything. I put out three poles with live perch for six hours on four days last week and never got a bite.
This afternoon Keith(508) was trying to load his jet ski on the  trailer and with the low tide he backed a bit too far into the ramp. His rear wheel drive Silverado started to slip on the ramp and we had a  potential problem. The trailer wheels were over the edge of the ramp and it wouldn't come up and only slid backward. Fortunately, Mike(608) was sitting on his deck and saw the problem and jumped into his F250 to to go to the rescue. Keith had a chain and they hooked it up gave a pull. The F250 spun its wheels a bit until the trailer wheels hopped over the lip at the end of the ramp and out it came. It would have made a good commercial for Ford.
Last Saturday I took my boat to all the usual places and in four hours we had only one 19 inch trout that we found at  Half Moon Reef. It took a DOA shrimp.
We've had the usual full house crowds for most of July, but the security folks have done a good job in keeping things running smoothly.


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