This is the corner of our property at HEB. The tide is only slightly above normal. I can only imagine what would have happened to our property if we had not chosen to build the bulkhead pictured here. The water would have been eroding our property and we could not have reclaimed it. It will not be a long time before we have to extend this wall even further.
I think today was the lull before the storm of guests for Labor Day. At this time there was only one other vehicle on the property besides my own. Our security folks find the hours after midnight to be pretty slow, but the nocturnal animals are always out looking for a handout. This raccoon comes out most every night and usually there are about three others. The possums, and foxes often come by too. Unfortunately, yesterday a guest was driving out way too fast early in the morning and hit a heron and killed it. Jerry dug a pretty big hole to bury it.
I think today was the lull before the storm of guests for Labor Day. At this time there was only one other vehicle on the property besides my own. Our security folks find the hours after midnight to be pretty slow, but the nocturnal animals are always out looking for a handout. This raccoon comes out most every night and usually there are about three others. The possums, and foxes often come by too. Unfortunately, yesterday a guest was driving out way too fast early in the morning and hit a heron and killed it. Jerry dug a pretty big hole to bury it.
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