Saturday, August 10, 2013

The topic of the weekend was, "What happened to the pier lights". They were turned off on Thursday. After investigating, I finally have most of the story solved. The energy companies are difficult to deal with and it took me hours to get some information. Here's the story.
Three years ago the board used an aggregator to lock in the contract with Cirro Electric. They even included security lights that were not our own. Later we worked hard with Cirro to get us to get just the lights on our property without a big penalty for early shutoff from the contract. In April of this year, the aggregator, eager to get his cut again, hounded us relentlessly to let him lock us in again as he recently had done with Phase II. Cirro even gave him my personal cell number. In late May, to get the best rate, our board voted to switch all meters to Green Mountain Electric except the pier meter. We did not know how the pier problem would be resolved and did not want to deal with Cirro again on dropping a meter out of a long term contract. We left the pier meter with Cirro on a month to month basis and Green Mountain said they would allow us to add the pier meter at the contracted rate if and when the pier issue were resolved.
On June 5th someone notified Cirro to change the billing address and the pier meter into their name. Cirro will not tell us who did that. I'm guessing the bill was never paid, by whomever got it. On Thursday, the account was closed by the AEP. The AEP  rep told me we were "forced out in error". I'm not sure what that means other than someone else got our meter. I  contacted Green Mountain and they sent an enrollment form that I signed and emailed back. At the earliest, we may have lights by Monday. Normally, it takes 5 to 7 business days, but they put an emergency designation on this and maybe that will help. It is uncertain if we will ever have to pay for the two months that we used the lights under someone else's name. My chief suspect is the aggregator since he was so unhappy that we bypassed his services and profit. Other than that, I have no idea who the mystery person might be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the pier. What is the current status/future use of the pier? Any news on the negotiations between the landowner and the HOA?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013 at 7:56:00 PM CDT  

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