Friday, December 20, 2013

The shutoff valve to the well water rusted off. We have been using pliers to turn it on and off. Last week, we had a buried pipe start leaking. Jerry was able to repair two problems with one fix. He repaired the underground leak by bridging up and then installing a shutoff valve. I think that's called two birds with one stone.
I've had several comments about the lack of folks renting right now. I looked forward to January and there appears to be a good number of condos without winter Texans this year. I remember years past when we had a waiting list. Not sure what happened, but like Yogi says, "You can't make them stay away if they don't want to come."
Last week was some of the coldest weather is some time. I checked and I saw that I used 200kwh on each of the coldest days. It's not a coincidence that the usage was the same. I had the thermostat set at 69 degrees, but the heat ran non stop. So I guess the maximum usage will never exceed 200kwh in a day. Of course, that does translate to $20 per day. At least this week went back to normal temperatures.


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