Friday, January 03, 2014

Note from Scott.
We had a lot of fun this past week despite cold, wet conditions.
Wine Tasting - The Schomburgs (504) hosted the third annual Wine Tasting this past week.  It is always a lot of fun.  It was attended by the Lunas, Schomburgs, Westburgs, and Bernhards. Each couple brings two bottles of red wine; one under $20 and one over $20.  All bottles are bagged so we do not know which wine we are tasting.  Our servers (the older kids) serve everyone a taste from a bottle.  We each rate the wine on a 1 to 10 scale and make notes about flavor, fragrance etc.  The kids then rinse our glasses and then serve a taste from the next bottle.  After all 8 wines are tasted and rated by each of us; the wines are revealed.  It is always a good time discussing the flavors.  It is interesting how different people like or dislike different wines.  What tastes great to one person might taste like bath water to another.  The best part is of course the fellowship and friendships that grow stronger each year. Here are a few pics from the night.  The pic of the eight bottles is how the wines rated as an average of all eight participant's scores.  It goes left to right . . . best to worst.


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