Thursday, September 22, 2016

Minutes from board meeting of August 20th.

Resolution adopted at meeting of August 27th.


Where as,
The Bayfront at Kontiki board of directors wishes to proactively address repair issues with quality work done by quality contractors
Be it Resolved,
Requests for proposals will be accompanied by a full scope of work to be accomplished by bidding contractors with specifics of the work and materials to be utilized by said contractors. A deadline date will be set for proposals to be submitted to the property manager.  All proposals will provide, in writing, references, time frame for completion of work, and any other project related details. Every effort will be made to insure all contractors are licensed, insured, and bonded commensurate with the project being bid.
All projects valued at $2,500 or more must be approved by the board of directors before the bid is awarded to the successful contractor.

Approved this 27th day of August 2016  

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I had to come to San Antonio for a few days to pick some of this giant okra crop this year. I have never grown okra this tall.
                                                           Current Activities

- Assist with Pest control in opening and closing of doors - sending a note to owners regarding keys and codes to entry doors - one of the owners advised us to get in using an old credit card. Need to reschedule for units that did not get sprayed.

- Coordinated with Tony who is painting the railings on the 400 building - terminated him on the 4th day for performance not promised.

- Monitored the 501 stucco project with Randy Edwards.

- B&R changed out the photo cell for the pier lights with a re-adjustable one to eliminate if the cause of the pier lights not coming on is a faulty cell.  If that doesn't work, they believe the flood light is causing it to malfunction and will move the cell else where.
- Requested for all management signs to be taken down within the gate areas. All have done so except for KBM.  Linda from KBM said she spoke with owners and said it was up to them on whether to have signs in the window or not. 

- Contacted Tel Hailey regarding the grass being cut - he is short handed and said he will be out on Tuesday to cut it.  I notified Nick to let him know that Tel has not cut the lawn and he shouldn't be issuing a check.

- Replaced a broken sewer pipe along the driveway

- Followed up with GLO to make sure that the pier project enhancement is on School Land Board October agenda

This weeks agenda
- Continue to monitor the foundation project
- Follow up with barge contractors regarding breakwater
- Start prepping for painting the railings on 400 building

Monday, September 19, 2016

We had lift station plumbing problems last week. The project got to be more than Lina and Jerry could handle so the crew from the foundation project took over and got the tough project completed.
A number of oversized reds have moved into our marina and mitigation site. Here Ken(606) shows a 34 inch red had caught and released back for someone else to catch later.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Lina and Jerry had their hands full today with plumbing problems. Lina does know how to use a shovel.

Work began this week on replacing some of the stucco with hardiplank. This end of 501 shows how rotten the plywood is behind the stucco. If this project goes well, the end of 601 will be done next.

Here are some things being worked on.

- Went over with Area Foundation the confirmed start date, what parking areas is needed near the 500 building, where they are starting first - 508 side, removal of existing cardboard over sonotubes - Start date is confirmed 09/14/2016

- Obtained a list of renters/owners for the 500 building from management companies and went over the foundation project start dates and times

- Went over with Randy Edwards construction regarding the stucco project for 501 - start date is 09/13/2016 

- Scheduled quarterly pest control - 09/13/2016 at 9am

- Went over with Tony Easely regarding start date for painting of the 400 building railings - 09/12/2016 - he will be pressure washing, scraping, and sanding for the next 2 days

This weeks agenda
- Monitor the paint project with Tony Easely
- Monitor the stucco project with Randy Edwards
- Coordinate with Area Foundation Repair of where materials will be stored and start project
- Check upper and lower back deck areas for cracks in stucco

Monday, September 05, 2016

Our Labor Day guests got to see what happens when we have a high tide and a little wind comes up. The last picture even shows tiny white caps on the water on the beach. It has been pretty impossible to keep sand on our beach this year.

Last evening I had a fox come up on my deck looking for crumbs to eat. When he didn't find any, he went over to 108 and checked that deck for any food.

I did hear of two keeper trout and one flounder being caught in the mitigation site this weekend. That could be a good sign.