Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Sunday evening was one of the best ever on the pier. For about an hour and a half the big trout were all over the place. I caught eight before they quit with the largest being 19 and one half inches and the others not far behind. Earlier in the week the winter Texans said they caught some big trout in the marina. I tried on Saturday and caught only one small one. The water temperature has risen to 70 degrees.
Oystering has begun in Copano. There is a daily procession of boats in and out of Copano. Aransas Bay is still closed until the Red Tide residual effects are gone.
Jerry and I went into Copano yesterday evening. We saw two Whooping cranes at Newcomb's bend. We had just found the trout with one in the box when fog moved in and we had to make a run to get back before we got socked in.
The board meeting that had been discussed for next week has been postponed. Work on the skirting in the 300 building has begun.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Today was an interesting day on the water. Jerry and I left here about 10:30 and launched at Conn Brown. The fog was as bad as it gets. We started down the channel toward Port Aransas at about one MPH. We thought we turned into the channel east of Hog Island, but alas we were west of Hog Island. We decide to just stop and fish a while until the fog lifted. The fog was so bad that with a maximum cast, the float was out of sight. That didn’t change until 2 pm. We were in about five feet or water and started catching small trout right away. I was dogging Jerry with the DOA and Gulp up through the first 60 fish. Then he put on a white C-tail and there were very few casts that he didn’t get a trout. We stayed in the same channel until 5 pm. I’m sure we caught over 200 trout, but only seven went in the box. I lost one right at the boat and had a really good one that went airborne like a Skip Jack and got off. It was like fishing in an aquarium. You could see trout all around the boat. The water temperature started at 56 and was up to 62 when we left. I had never fished there, but I might try again.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The bay water temperature is in the mid fifties. Yesterday, Jerry, my son in law Matt and I went on a fishing trip. We went from Long Reef to Mud Island without so much as a nibble. Then in Blind Pass we caught seven small trout. I tried out the new Gulp bait in white shrimp and it worked quite well. Last night Matt went on the pier and came back with five keeper trout and lost several larger ones that he couldn't get up and over the pier railing. Some hit on DOA and some on white cocohoes.
Work continues on 202 next door. They have been at it seven weeks. Rob thinks they will finish early next week. Robbie has started to remodel the Boyer's 606 in the same maner.
The concrete work around the pool has been finished. A shower is being put up behind where the old coke machine was. I'm not sure how much it will be used. I would have put it over the concrete in a corner. I think maintenance would have been easier. No more work on the skirting has been done. Some upper decks in the 100 building have been done as well as three in the 200 building.