I'm trying to catch up on my posts. Last week the data showed that this blog had 45 visitors. The average time on the site was 6 seconds. I have to think they noticed that nothing had been posted in 10 days and exited the site. Actually, the time was skewed upward a bit by several hits from a visitor in South Dakota who read longer. It still amazes me at the data that is gleaned when you log onto a web site.
The new guide reports are posted at www.fishrockport.com (I have a link to the site). I have never seen such pessimism from guides. They are always saying how great the fishing is so that people will book a trip. Right now they must be struggling. The fish are just not there or are just not in the mood to strike. If the guide can't find the fish, what chance do we have. I haven't talked to Mike(108) since their trip last Thursday. Their group went out with four different guides, although one was a kayak trip.
I visited with some guests in 401 who are from Marble Falls. They say they are long time residents and indeed 19 inches of rain fell and the devastation was unbelievable.
I also visited with Barbara Shultz last week. I asked if she had a copy of the Bug Free contract for pest control. She said she doesn't. I noticed in the agenda for the annual meeting last year it was proposed to budget $160 a month for pest control, but since the first of the year we have been billed for $335. I have seen their workers here and they said we were being billed for only the units they treated. Since they don't leave notes for the owner to let them know when the unit has been treated, its impossible to know how many have been done. At one point they told me that they were treating only those units in the onsite rental pool. I guess I need to refer this to Karra and let her figure it out. I need to find out from her also about the security light issue.
I was here on May 21st when a CPL employee repaired the big security light at the end of the seven hundred building. At that time he said he counted eleven security lights in all. I know we have only four. A CPL rep talked to Pack at that time and said she would come out to the property to be sure we were paying for only the lights on the Phase I property. I sent an email to Richy to see what the outcome was, but he asked me to contact Karra.
The new guide reports are posted at www.fishrockport.com (I have a link to the site). I have never seen such pessimism from guides. They are always saying how great the fishing is so that people will book a trip. Right now they must be struggling. The fish are just not there or are just not in the mood to strike. If the guide can't find the fish, what chance do we have. I haven't talked to Mike(108) since their trip last Thursday. Their group went out with four different guides, although one was a kayak trip.
I visited with some guests in 401 who are from Marble Falls. They say they are long time residents and indeed 19 inches of rain fell and the devastation was unbelievable.
I also visited with Barbara Shultz last week. I asked if she had a copy of the Bug Free contract for pest control. She said she doesn't. I noticed in the agenda for the annual meeting last year it was proposed to budget $160 a month for pest control, but since the first of the year we have been billed for $335. I have seen their workers here and they said we were being billed for only the units they treated. Since they don't leave notes for the owner to let them know when the unit has been treated, its impossible to know how many have been done. At one point they told me that they were treating only those units in the onsite rental pool. I guess I need to refer this to Karra and let her figure it out. I need to find out from her also about the security light issue.
I was here on May 21st when a CPL employee repaired the big security light at the end of the seven hundred building. At that time he said he counted eleven security lights in all. I know we have only four. A CPL rep talked to Pack at that time and said she would come out to the property to be sure we were paying for only the lights on the Phase I property. I sent an email to Richy to see what the outcome was, but he asked me to contact Karra.
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