Saturday, May 26, 2007

The heavy rain that was predicted for today failed to develop. It turned out to be a great day. There are more guests here tonight than last evening. I counted 13 boats in the slips this evening. That may be a record. Most that went out today did well. Scott and I went out at noon and picked up four keeper trout at Long Reef. Earlier this month the Phair's son, Randy, was here and picked up two trout and a red on a Sunday morning while fishing off our pier into the channel at the first island.
Yesterday about 5 pm there was an auto accident at the entrance on hwy 35. A guest was stopped to turn left and a car hit her truck in back. It was pretty serious.
The Crowleys are in the process of buying another condo in the 700 building.
Our breakwater in still breaking apart. Today on the way out the channel I counted 11 long allthread bolts either missing or on the way out. I met with the contractor who did the shoreguard work for Richy on last Thursday. He will give the board a proposal to repair the breakwater.
The pest control company made their monthly round last Thursday. I have had a problem with both ants and roaches. They put some gel out for the ants.


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