Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Vacation housing in Rockport continues at a rapid pace. There are now three new developments beginning between the north city limits of Fulton and Kontiki. They will sprawl between Hwy. 35 and Fulton Beach Road.
Sunday Scott(702) and I put out 2000 pounds of asphalt on the entrance road and parking lot. It is better, but there some small spots left that we could not finish. We also treated the fire ant mounds and cut ants. The fire ants have not returned, but the cut ants are a tough lot. They are devouring the shrubs in front of the 100 and 200 buildings. I'm doing all I can, but its a losing battle without the best chemicals.
Robbie has almost finished the remodeling of 206. He said this is his last job. He's hanging up his hammer at age 25 and is going to go in a different direction, perhaps back to college. He will be missed, especially his sense of humor.
Work began yesterday to repair our pier. They replaced the missing stainless steel allthread bolts that bind together the breakwater. This time they used galvanized steel rods and tightened the remaining stainless steel rods. The will also drive back down the the shoreguard that has worked itself up and out of place. Repair work began today on the phase II pier. Several posts and boards will be replaced.
The wind and boat repair kept me in port today, but tomorrow will be another day and I hope to get back on the water and get after those trout. Yesterday afternoon five of us went out and came back with only one trout and three gafftop.
The outside lights stayed on all day today on the 300 and 400 buildings. Alan said it was probably a photocell problem.


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