Friday, March 14, 2008

While sales of condos here have been brisk, there is always speculation as to what the real market is. Pack(307) sent a link that lists the sales price for those units for which the price was disclosed.
You may need to cut and paste this link into your browser if you want to look at it.
Christy did get back to me today and Sarah's baby did arrive on Monday the 10th.
I talked to Chuck(107) this week. They are in California. They will visit their place on Maui before going back to Alaska. Chuck said the gas prices in California are about fifty cents a gallon more than Texas.
Don went out fishing on Wednesday. He said they caught a lot of small trout at Lap Reef, but no keepers. Dick Waddel(renting in 505) did catch one keeper in the marina, but after he had fileted the trout he looked away a second and the seagulls swooped in took off with his filet. That has happened to me, but only once. This time of year you have to guard your catch because the gulls are very hungry.
Becky DeBaun sent me a link to a friend's site who does rentals of condos in the area.
All oystering operations have been halted in the area since last week. Some pathogens were detected in local shellfish populations. It seems strange to look out and see no oyster boats circling on the reefs.
Keith(508) called this week. He said that while doing their remodeling they found water damage in the wall studs. He has a good question as to whether or not this is a common element. This also brings up the question about the dryer vents. Many owners are having trouble with their dryers not drying very well. The problem is the vents are snaked through the wall and out to the attic. There is no way that I have found to remedy this by unclogging the vents. Rob showed me how to install a 4inch PVC pipe into the attic that works well, but some worry that this is a fire hazard as well as being unsightly. As more of these vents clog with age the board will have to make some kind of decision.
A rare shark washed up on Mustang Island this week and caused a media stir. It was a Thresher Shark as shown in the illustration. They are characterized by their long caudal fin which is sometimes half their body length. The one here was just short of 10 feet. Studies are being done to see what caused the shark's death and it will be mounted for display afterward.


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