These two drum might look like the same fish, but not so. These folks were staying in 605 and caught these last Wednesday on the causeway. The winter Texans are busy catching Sheephead off of our pier and having a great time. This is the time of year that Drum and Sheephead are the catch of the day. Don Gormley took a crew out to Half Moon and Long Reef this weekend looking for trout and didn't catch a keeper. John Mantel(staying in 102) has been fishing with friends in Copano behind the airport, not too far off the shore and have taken about ten trout and one red the last few days. Bill waded near the HEB beach and did no good at all yesterday. The tide is back to near normal and the high temperature will be near 90 degrees on Friday. This should portend an upturn in the trout bite.
I did see a Purple Martin sitting on top of a tennis court light yesterday. I'm sure he was looking for the houses to go up. Ron painted the only good house with some red paint to freshen it up, but it hasn't gone up yet. The other house is beyond repair. Several months ago I sent Justin an email asking to have a new one built, but he never answered. Joe Bugado built two for us several years ago. You may have seen him sitting beside his truck parked on highway 35 and selling his Purple Martin houses. He used plans that I drew up forty years ago to build ours.
Oysterfest was a big success. It didn't go well on the opening evening as the cold front blew in about an hour before the opening. The crowd on Saturday was unbelievable. Between spring break and Oysterfest, we have had a crowd here. I don't know of any condos that wanted a rental that didn't have one.
I went by today to meet the new office manager for Coastal Management. Candace left to work on her real estate license. The new manager is Arlene. They manage over 130 properties here in Rockport, including several here at Kontiki.
The workers on the concrete for the parking area at the motel have not been seen lately. I last saw them Monday a week ago, but not since. They may be waiting until the spring break rush is over before continuing.
Barbara Wagner, former owner of 101, had knee replacement surgery yesterday. Jim Sikes reports that everything went well and she is doing fine.
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