Monday, June 16, 2008

It is so very difficult to watch little problems become big problems because no one has time to take care of them. I posted weeks ago that this is what was going to happen to our breakwater if the allthread bolts were not replaced. Many were coming out and it was only a matter of time before the whole thing began to unzip. The breakwater has proven to have been a real boondoggle. I know Richy pushed it hard and many felt it would be a good idea, but Moose really did a poor job and walked off before it was completed. He took $340,000 with him and this is what we have left. I doubt the contract ever said that Sea Shell Shores or Phase II had any responsibility for continued repairs. I do think we have some legal recourse to go after Moose, but I think he is still Richy's friend and that will probably not happen. I'm told that Kinsel's guy will be here to repair the damage, but that is just short term. This picture is the south side and the north, or pier side, is really loose too. We will just throw good money after bad if we don't just do it right and finish the job. The whole new section of our pier is taped off as dangerous because of the instability of the breakwater. The tide is still high and when the low July tide arrives, boats will not be able to get out of our channel. Even Robbie's pontoon boat bumps bottom in the channel now.


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