Experience is a tough teacher. Someone decided that we could stop the beach sand from eroding into the bay by damming up the area around the start of the pier. So what happens? The sand erodes directly into the channel. Its kinda like "dammed if you do and dammed if you don't". We have tried this before and all we succeeded in doing was to fill up the channel with sand very quickly. It costs $6,000 to fill the beach with sand and a lot more to dredge out the channel. Now, it would seem like we could just dredge it back onto the beach. That won't work. When a channel is dredged, the spoil must be placed on private land. Our beach is not owned by us. It belongs to the State of Texas. We pay an annual fee just to use it.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Experience is a tough teacher. Someone decided that we could stop the beach sand from eroding into the bay by damming up the area around the start of the pier. So what happens? The sand erodes directly into the channel. Its kinda like "dammed if you do and dammed if you don't". We have tried this before and all we succeeded in doing was to fill up the channel with sand very quickly. It costs $6,000 to fill the beach with sand and a lot more to dredge out the channel. Now, it would seem like we could just dredge it back onto the beach. That won't work. When a channel is dredged, the spoil must be placed on private land. Our beach is not owned by us. It belongs to the State of Texas. We pay an annual fee just to use it.
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