The entrance to the motel is taking shape. This shows the ingress and egress lanes as well as the gazebo being built by Rob.
I have been looking over the 2008 final budget and expenses report. Again we went way over budget, $62,525 to be exact. Our revenue over expenses was a negative $115,800. We started the year with an association equity of a negative $4,599. That has now risen to a negative $120,399. I hope this trend doesn't continue. The biggest budget breaker was repair and maintenance of buildings. Nothing was budgeted and $35,015 was spent. Another big item was security. Most of this was Pop's salary. We were $4,657 over budget. Justin tells me that Phase II paid 25% of Pop's salary because Pop makes patrols of Phase II. He said it was paid in one lump sum. I have no idea how Heather shows that entry. It is not under revenues. I'll check with her when I get a chance to she where she accounts for it so I can more fully understand the finances of our HOA. I'm not sure that anyone really fully understands our finances. I know at the annual owners' meeting no one had much of an idea. We have always had a board treasurer, but I don't know that now we do.
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