Monday, January 05, 2009

The holidays are behind us and most of the winter Texans have arrived. Fishing remains abysmal. I put out three rods with perch yesterday and so far, not a bite. Scott and I went out both Friday and Saturday with no success. Saturday we went all over the north part of Copano. At least the tide is way up and we were able to get his boat out the channel. He has taken his boat back to Houston for some work that he wants to do on it.
We had a big Christmas here with eight of our grandchildren and four families. New Year's eve was a bit of a problem as alcohol, fireworks, and crowded conditions made for some problems. Rob said that he was called out four different times. Pop's hours had been changed and was not on duty until midnight. I think his hours were likely changed because three big screen televisions were stolen out of unit 101. The back door had been pried open. Charlie bars have now been ordered.
We had about 15 owners spend some time here during the holidays. It was good to see them, but, for the most part, many were concerned about their lack of rental activity, the attitude of renters toward owners, the lack of communication from our board, and the really poor fishing. Some felt the poor condition of the piers limited their fishing opportunities, but I think that would not have changed had the piers been perfect. The fish are just not there. Of course, by most pier standards, our lights are pretty primitive and maybe better lights would make a difference. One winter Texan said that he didn't even bring his fishing gear after reading my blog.
There are no ongoing projects to report on. There is nothing new on the dredging, pier repair, parking lot repair, or crossbridge work.


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