Tuesday, May 05, 2009

This new part was installed on the pool pump today. I believe its called a "vac alert". What it does is protect someone from getting trapped against the vacuum that recycles the water through the filter. When it senses a higher than normal vacuum it sends air into the line to allow the trapped object or person to pull away from the vacuum. I'm told that our whole pool piping system needs to be replaced because of leaks in the system.
My next door neighbor for the winter generously left a blooming hibiscus. Ron planted it in the bed next to my cedar tree. It lasted about a week before the cut ants found it and stripped it bare. Those cuts ants are very active at this time of the year. The only way to get rid of them is to use the product sold by Adams Nursery and others that I have blogged about before. Ron says he is not allowed to buy the product. Our board has always preferred the "tried and true method" of pouring bleach into the ant nest. That is environmentally irresponsible as well as ineffective, but cheap.


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