Sunday, June 28, 2009

Last week on Friday, the parking spaces were again numbered. I had really hoped that they would remain unnumbered. The numbering causes more problems than it ever solves. I'm sure Pop had to deal with complaints about people in the wrong spaces this weekend. One of the problems is that on a busy weekend, when parking spots are at a premium, some owners will not be at the complex and their numbered space goes unused. Another problem is that it is difficult to place all owners numbered spaces as close to their front door as they would like. Even though two spaces were added to the 200 building parking, I don't have an unmarked space on either side of my unit. I had talked to Karra about this when they remarked the last time. I had always had an unmarked space to the south of my marked space. I have come to understand the political issues that are now present and I realize I'll just have to wait it out. I generally don't have but one car there at a time so it really is no big deal. This is not too different from the "Larry's boat rule" that impacts only me. I can deal with it for now.
I am still having trouble making sense of the monthly financial report. After the first five months of the year, we still have liabilities that exceed out assets. For the five months we had budgeted $61,957.00 and spent $353,377.30 for a net variance of $291,420.30. I asked Karra, the last time I visited with her, if we could return to a practice of having the property manager include some notes with the monthly financial report to allow owners to better understand exactly where we are financially. She seemed receptive, but it has not be done. Since anyone can search the internet for "Kontiki Condominiums" and be directed to this blog, it is some concern to me that a prospective buyer for a condo might be repelled by our financial position that I have pointed out even though there may be a rational explanation that I am not aware of. Very very few owners have requested a copy of the monthly reports so maybe they are more comfortable with the disclosures than I am. In fact, paragraph one may be related to paragraph two!


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