Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our dredge barge didn't leave town after they finished with us. Here it is working on the channel from Key Allegro into Bayhouse and Harbor Oaks.
Thursday is the last day for Heather Snyder at Johnson and Cate. She is leaving to work for the IRS office in Corpus. I wish her well, but we are sure going to miss her. She was the friendliest face I have seen at the accounting office. She did a really good job for our HOA. She took great pride in her customer service and well as the accuracy of her bookkeeping.
I talked to Lynn Edwards of Save our Cedar Bayou today. She is still plugging along to try to get a permit to dredge the bayou. Fishing in Aransas and Mesquite Bays has really been poor. The trout are just not there. Many of the old timers are saying they have never seen it this tough. Lynn told me that she has some research that says that ninety per cent of the people who visit Rockport come to fish. If things don't improve, the local economy will suffer. While I think opening Cedar Bayou would help, I don't know why an area like Lydia Ann Channel would not be producing trout catches right now. That channel is so close to the jetties, it gets good water circulation and still no fish.


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