Friday, October 23, 2009

The weekend guests in 207 picked up these nice reds this afternoon at the end of the south jetty. They had five more on the cleaning table. This is another example of why we need a "Kontiki" display board to show off catches like this.

Concrete bags have been placed near the channel wall to try to stop the erosion. The grass did not work well in this area. It looks like the bags will be covered over and grass replanted. (If the picture of this doesn't appear quickly, click in the middle of the blank area and it should appear.) Don't ask me why!
The official notice of the Phase I owners' meeting arrived in the mail today. It will be held on Sunday, November 8th at 12:30 pm. Scott(702) and others are trying to arrange a fishing tournament for the Saturday before the meeting day with a pot luck dinner to follow in the evening.


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