J.R. completed the installation of the new Starboard material on the fish cleaning station. It hasn't had a lot of use yet, but it will work well when it does.
I talked to J.R. about the termite problems. He said he thought Bedingfield had been here, but I still have activity evidence on my walls. He said he will check on it.
Kevin(501) took his boat to Longreef today and came back with three keeper trout. That is better than the usual I have seen lately. Steve(202) took his boat south this morning, but did not catch a thing. John(guest in 102) caught three keeper trout off the pier on Monday evening. His largest was just over 20 inches.
Tony's Lawn Service came by on Thursday and cut and trimmed the grounds. The grass is turning a brilliant green with all the recent rains and looks really nice.
The State of Texas will be having an appliance rebate program next month. If anyone is planning to replace any appliances, then will be the time. The rebates are pretty generous. Here is a link to the state site. http://www.texaspowerfulsmart.org/rebate/
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