Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yesterday morning a prospective renter was going to look at unit 210. She fell on the front stairs and hit her head. EMS responded and Air Life was called in. I understand she was flown to a San Antonio trauma center. There was a lot of blood. It was about a month ago in the same unit when a winter resident fell on the inside stairs and severely bruised her head.
I neglected to mention that at Oysterfest my friend and boat mechanic, Jim Waller, won the oyster eating contest. He put down 200 raw oysters. That's a bunch!
I talked to Jerry Hill, former employee, today. He is doing well.
Fishing was pretty good last evening. The guest in 402 had a stringer of seven nice trout. There were others on the pier catching a lot of drum. Today we had seagulls and pelicans working the water out in front for most of the day. Medium sized mullet are jumping all over the area between the piers.


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