Monday, July 05, 2010

The 4th of July was a pretty good day at Kontiki. There were more fireworks than I believe I have ever seen here.
Today's blog stats show there was a lot of interest in last week's storm. There were record numbers of people looking at it. The blog was accessed 501 times by 152 different users. Hits came from 45 cities in Texas with San Antonio at the top with 54 followed by Austin with 53. Even Clifton, Texas logged on 13 times.
Several owners asked about boarding up their condos. This is up to each individual. The last time we had a big storm Rob boarded up most of the condos and billed the owners in the range of $250. He told me he stored the plywood in a warehouse and it could be used again. The owners were charged for the supplies so I guess the plywood belongs to the owners. With Rob back in California, I don't know what the process would be for the next storm. The board probably should have a hurricane plan in place. More than boarding I am worried about the insurance. There have been no conversations with the owners since the agent was changed and the coverages are uncertain, at least to me. There are less than 50 days until the insurance renews and no board meetings are scheduled. I guess they will let it renew without bids or question. I went by our agent's office last week and there was a sign that the office had moved. The concept is scary. Local newscasts say we may see a repeat of Alex this week and the projected paths are much closer to Kontiki. This would be hurricane Bonnie.
It looks as if the old pier is indeed history. There are not a lot of options left. Even to remove what is left would require an assessment. Our agreement with GLO requires that we remove or repair a damaged pier. If we do not remove it, the GLO can do it for us and send us a bill. The pier has never been the same since the breakwater was built. Even when the extension was new, the water would splash over the breakwater and make the pier very slick and soak people who tried to fish. The question might be, what to do with the relatively new lumber that we salvage. I guess it is possible to add on to the new pier. I would expect our property manager will give us some options.
Jim(401) and his sons went out with a guide yesterday morning. They were only out four hours and loaded up with fish at Allyn's Bight where the bite was on. They brought back trout, reds, drum, and a flounder that hit a Gulp. The biggest trout was almost 25 inches.
J.R told me today that the contractor who plans to repair the breakwater is all set to go. As soon as the board president signs off on the contract, work will begin. It could be an option to have the same contractor remove what is left of the old pier. At least mobilization costs would be less.
Tony's lawn service didn't show up last week. With all the rain, he will earn his pay this week as the grass is really high.
A guest questioned this morning the fact that the GFI deck outlet did not work. I asked John and he said most of them did not work. I checked mine and sure enough. These were assessed in January and Rob's crew installed them soon after. I guess no one checked them. John is going to talk to Victor Adame who did the work for Rob to see what can be done now.
Ardath(102) had a cancellation in her condo for July 7th through the 16th. She asked me to announce this on the blog to see if anyone needed those days. She can be contacted at 316 204-2116.
The phase II golf cart has been parked here for at least two weeks. I heard ours does not work and maybe theirs is out too. I have not seen it move. Dustin(605) was supposed to find us a used Gator for around $3,000 to use around the complex.


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