Arctic Express came by this morning to insulate four more attics. They found that in the 600 building the knee walls were already insulated so they charged $80 less. I would guess all of the 600 building is that way. I plan to watch my electrical usage on "smartmetertexas" to see if I can see any difference from last night to this evening since the outside temperatures will be about the same.
We have had about 27 individuals respond to our advertisement in the Pilot for a property manager. We have some very good applicants to choose from.
Things are starting to move with the lift station pump. A new one has been located that we can get in a few days, but the cost is pretty steep and someone would have to be found to install it. John Rice(phase II owner) put me in touch with a friend today who seems very knowledgeable and experienced with pumps and their operation. He might be able to get us a complete new system for one third of the best quote that we had. We will have all the facts in soon and make a decision.
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